The Roanoke College Baseball program and the entire Department of Athletics would like to take this time to honor our six seniors that have meant so much to the programs.
Meet the Roanoke College Baseball Class of 2020:
Connor Chiulli - (Lagrangeville, N.Y.)
Major/Plans for the future: I am a Business Administration major with a concentration in Finance.
Best memories: Some of the best memories I have at Roanoke College are the feeling of comradery between myself and my teammates and friends as well as the close-knit environment that Roanoke College provides its students.
Why I chose Roanoke: I chose Roanoke College because I felt as though it was the best fit for me with the balance between athletics and academics
Own words to future RC athletes: Some advice for future Roanoke baseball guys is that it goes super fast and to not take any day with your teammates for granted.
Mason Farman - (Annandale, Va.)
Major/Plans for the future: My next step after Roanoke College is to use what I have learned as a business major with a concentration in human resources. My plan is to enter the HR department at Navy Federal Credit Union and start as a low-level recruiter and work my way up. My Mother, who is the executive assistant to the CFO of Navy Federal, has already introduced me to the head of the HR department. After school is finished, there will be a scheduled interview for the recruitment position. I will then live with my parents for a couple of months and save as much money as possible and then contact some of my friends to join me in finding an apartment.
Best memories: My best memory of Roanoke College was being a part of the 2017 ODAC Conference and 2017 Regional Championship winning team. It was one of the greatest moments of my life because it was an incredible experience. Playing the sport, I love alongside my best friends and having the opportunity to help my team succeed. I had a lot of great memories from this beautiful college, but that one tops all of them.
Why I chose Roanoke: I choose Roanoke College because I wanted to continue my career as a baseball player, and Coach McGuire gave me that opportunity. Coach McGuire's tour was fantastic, and the campus is beautiful. I had also done some research about the college, and every graduate said the experience was exceptional, and a college that has been around for 178 years must be doing something right.
Own words to future RC athletes: My words for future Roanoke College Baseball Players are something that I tried to inspire my other teammates to follow. This is a family; a brotherhood, and you must put this team before your own self-gain. I did not believe in the hierarchy that freshmen had to do ever chore because the team will get nowhere if it is split apart. If you do the little thing and support the foundation of what makes this team great, then the more significant rewards will come. The Roanoke College Baseball Team is your team now, give respect to your coaches, support your teammates, and go win it all.
Joe Kitlas - (Yardley, Pa.)
Plans for the future: I will be attending law school at Rutgers University in the fall.
Best memories: Winning ODACs in 2017/ring ceremony.
Why I chose Roanoke: I enjoyed the sense of community when I visited and thought the campus and surrounding area were beautiful.
Words to future RC baseball players: Enjoy the time you spend with the team. Wins will come and go but the thing you will remember most are the memories you make on and off the field with the guys.
Matt Wojciechowski - (Reston, Va.)
Major: Business Administration
Plans for the future: Currently have a job with MVP International but looking for a new full-time job.
Best Memories: Nights at the house with the baseball guys. Games, practices, convos in the locker room.
Why I chose Roanoke: They had a great business program and I liked the feel of the small school. The baseball program had been trending in the right direction as far as success and the baseball stadium was a huge selling point.
Words of to future RC baseball guys: Give it everything you've got day in and day out. I promise you're going to miss "the grind". Never take a practice, game, workout for granted because you never know when it will be your last and you don't want to have any regrets. Most of all, enjoy the time with your boys. The relationships you make will last way longer than anything baseball related. Don't be in such a rush to leave the locker room but rather stay and talk with people. Have fun with everything you do because it is a privilege to play college baseball.
Forrest Wagner - (Oak Hill, Va.)
Major: Business Administration
Plans after school: Sales Consultant at Beltway Blinds
Why I chose Roanoke: A very friendly environment, college in the mountains, competitive sports
Own words for future athletes: Don't take anything for granted. One day you're with your best friends playing ball and the next day you're packing up your stuff to go home for the last time. Hits hard.
Sam Watson - (Virginia Beach, Va.)
Major/Plans for the future: Work for Financial Security in Virginia Beach Virginia as a financial representative
Best memories: Winning Regionals, winning ODACS, and playing in the D3 World Series
Why I chose Roanoke: Small school and town setting
Words to future RC baseball players: Make everyday count